Sharing Like Shakespeare II: Crossing Over To The Dark Side: Act 3 Page 2
Chapter Eight That Can Only Mean One Thing
SETTING: (Othello and Fredator are at Othello’s house, picking up small weights and putting them down)
Fredator: Look man, I support you and all, and your little experiment, but I’m jussayin’ I don’t think I’m going to be going back to anymore Thirsty Club meetings any time soon.
Othello: I thought you loved it there? (snickers)
Fredator: I mean it was a nice place to visit and all.
Othello: Ha! Yeah, well, me too.
Fredator: I dodged a bullet with that Gabby.
Othello: Ya don’t say.
Fredator: Yeah, apparently she called the cops on Jawny because he wouldn’t take her to Dunkin’ Donuts.
Othello: I see.
Fredator: He’s sitting at his house right now with a bracelet around his sock until his trial.
Othello: No shit? That is exactly what I needed to hear, kemo sabe.
Fredator: Wait, so you DID have a thing for Gabby?
Othello: Try again.
Fredator: You had a thing for Dr. Dave?
Othello: Mary has a thing for me, like a thing, currently, a very active thing.
Fredator: Othello, you salty old dog you! Now she, on the other hand, she is a person of interest.
Othello: I don’t know Fred.
Fredator: She’s got more than a year and then some! How do you know she’s into you though?
Othello: Oh, trust me, I know. I guess one can never be too sure about these things, but if I was a betting man I’d place a substantial wager on it. Something about it though, just does not feel right. Something inside of me is hesitant.
Fredator: You just not feeling the chemistry?
Othello: No, it’s not that but something tells me—
(Phone Ringing…and ringing…and ringing)
Fredator: Answer it!
Othello: (sighs) Hello.
(A pink zig-zag ling separates the screen diagonally. Mary appears on the other side)
Mary: Why hello there. Do you know who this is?
Othello: Grandma?
Mary: Yes, it’s your grandmother, and I need you to come cut my grass.
(Othello and Fredator look at each other, and Fredator shakes with excitement)
Othello: You’re on speakerphone with Fred my dear.
Mary: Hey Fredator!!!
Fredator: Hey Mary.
Mary: Are you guys having bro time?
Fredator: No, you aren’t interrupting, not at all Mary, not at all.
Mary: I have a problem with interrupting Othello, Fred.
Fredator: I’m sure he doesn’t mind Mary.
Mary: Othello have you ever seen the movie where James Woods plays Bill W.?
Othello: I can’t say that I have.
Mary: Oh Em Gee! You have to see it.
Othello: I do like James Woods.
Mary: Well I was thinking of watching it tonight, would you like to join me?
(Fredator and Othello look at each other. Fred nods his head “yes”, signaling to Othello to accept.)
Othello: Ok.
Mary: Ok? That’s all I get is an Ok?
Othello: Cool.
Mary: You can bring Fredator if you want.
Fredator: I’m busy tonight thank you very much Mary.
Mary: Ok, then. Well, I’ll see you later Othello.
Othello: Later.
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